How we contribute

Our team’s collective work, past and present, is bridging gaps in equitable access and opportunity in low and middle-income countries, especially for women and girls.

We bring expertise in...

Championing bold ideas for international development

Championing bold ideas for international development

Complex challenges of health and education require both diverse perspectives and working together to think and act creatively.

We lead through active collaboration. We helped bring polio eradication and routine immunization efforts closer together within health systems, leading to critical synergies achieved across dozens of countries and commitments of more than $400M. We have also helped redefine complex, grant-making systems impacting more than 100 countries, tailoring them to country needs with improved targeting to high-impact investments.



Advancing novel solutions through effective partnerships

Advancing novel solutions through effective partnerships

Successful partnerships depend upon trust, transparency, and inclusive participation of key stakeholders.

We have had instrumental roles in the establishment, evolution, and delivery of results through global health partnerships such as Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance, The Global Fund, and the Uniting to Combat Neglected Tropical Diseases Partnership. We have also shaped local initiatives to be more impactful, responding to the development needs of marginalized communities.  

Scaling up transformative technologies

Scaling up transformative technologies

The future impact of a new technology depends on astute product development, targeting to country and community needs, and scaling delivery to align timely data to decisions required by diverse public and private organizations on the path to impact.

We have led several product collaborations and have succeeded to make innovations a reality at scale, such as a combined medicine to treat lymphatic filariasis, new vaccines for Japanese encephalitis and malaria, new diagnostics for NTDs, and solar fridges to keep health products cold.

Targeting donor investments

Targeting donor investments

Traditional grants and donations are not enough to drive equitable, sustainable development. We strategically align charitable investments with the interests of communities and their partners.

We have managed, advised, or overseen private and public investments in education and health valued at $10’s of thousands to $100’s of millions in every region of the world with the goal of optimizing social impact. We have learned how to right-size risks and maximize social returns aligned with donors’ impact goals.

Our Annual Reports

Our Annual Reports

See some examples of how we have grown since our establishment in 2018.







Bridges contributes while continuously learning, improving and ensuring its work has impact in the world.